April Ministry Update

          March was a jammed packed month! We had such a neat time being able to outreach on the Dallas campuses alongside students that came down from CCF in Washington for SSI Week. The students each gave up their Spring Breaks to be able to do evangelism on our campuses, and they were such a blessing to host. The group (pictured below) were so energetic, friendly, and bold. They were an encouragement for our students to see that the work we do is so much bigger than just our campuses. We had many activities for our students to be able to interact with other students. We had campus conversations, questions on display, games, and more planned throughout the week. So many neat conversations were initiated and it is definitely a God deal that we are even able to participate in God's kingdom to share the good news with students!

This is one of the Outreach Activities we had at Richland, where they placed a bean in the container where they were most likely to place their values. Pictured above we have two of our Richland students, Javiera and Tony. 

The three picture above display another activity we had at Richland Outreach that Sandra, one of our Richland Pastors came up with. With Easter approaching us it was interesting to see what the students believed and where they stood in their faith. 

I was able to capture a sweet moment where one of our UTD students was able to pray for someone else during outreach 

The pictures above are of the CCF Apprentices, that came down to Texas during their SSI mission trip, and Dawn and myself. 

This is the whole 2018 SSI group along with some of the UTD staff on our trip to Downtown Dallas. 

         One of our big fundraising events the year is fast approaching. Every year in May, we send students to Washington for SICM, Student Institute of Campus Ministry, where they spend a week learning how to do evangelism and lead as a small group leader. The students each have to raise money to be able to attend the trip and to help FOCUS hosts a concert with many talents to help them fundraise. This is such an exciting event with my amazing performers. If you haven't already, please consider attending and helping send one of our students to SICM. There will be two shows and an art show as well with many neat and creative pieces available to buy. All the information is below! If you need to buy a ticket feel free to contact me or go online to anyfocus.org/showcase

           The most recent podcast has been posted where Dr. Jeremy Bergstrom was interviewed. He has been instrumental in helping with the FOCUS campus ministry plant at SMU. He is an ordained Episcopal priest and is the Priest-in-Charge of St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church in Dallas. He took the time to come and discuss liturgy and the importance it plays in today’s Christian context. Check it out on iTunes or Stitcher.

Here is a quote from Sarah King on the podcasts.

"The podcast is a means to give our students and listeners access to intellectual, thought-provoking, and spiritually enriching material. We are super excited to provide interviews with brilliant minds and content that will spur our community onward and upward! We have had some awesome conversations with some really fascinating people."

Please be praying for our SICM Showcase event this weekend, that it may be a success and everything can run smoothly.

As we approach the end of the school year pray that all our leaders will be able to persevere and hold true to the goals and visions they set out to accomplish in their personal life and ministry. It is so easy to become "busy" or distracted from our plans and we must remain steady and finish strong. 

Thank You once again to all my/our supporters who allow us to go out onto the college campuses daily and bring the gospel to the students. Rest in knowing that you are making an impact on these campuses and that we are working together to raise up a kingdom of leaders and disciples with a heart for God!

Here is our student testimony for the month!


  1. Hey Eddie! It looks like your SSI students had a great time of outreach on campus. It is always such a blessing to me when they come and spend their vacation time reaching out to a bunch of Texans.

    Definitely praying for students as the semester winds down! It is so weird to think that summer is almost here and the end of the school year is less than a month away. WOW.

    Love you Eddie!


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