May Ministry Update

The end of the Apprenticeship is fast approaching, and this is sadly my last blog. This year and semester more specifically has been a whirlwind. God has been teaching me many things this year and I am so so grateful for such a lifelong experience. Richland group has grown so much and we have been able to experience God moving powerfully in our students. We are so excited to be sending 6 students to SICM (Student Institute of Campus Ministry) in Washington for a week long leadership seminar. Please pray that our students have open hearts and open minds as they spend time learning ministry skills and how to be a missionary to their campuses! 

Richland Students Going to SICM!

                                            Valentin Lopez
     Claire Prado

              Kiden Mulling
                Valentina Pinochet
           Evan Smitts
                   Javiera Pinochet

We got to celebrate the end of the year with a bang! The students had lots of fun eating cake, worshiping, talking, and dancing. We took time to honor those that have helped the ministry in some way like corefas, advisors, club officers, etc., then we also honored our seniors that were graduating this year. Below is a picture of our Richland Ducks that attended the party :)

Richland Squad @ End of the Year Party 2018! (Quack)

Core Poster for Richland. "Los Patitos de Richland" (The Richland Ducklings)

Celebrating my 25th Birthday at Klyde Warren Park

I got to celebrate my birthday with all these goofballs last month. Big thanks to my Sister and Javi for coordinating the surprise. It was a really sweet and special moment I was able to share with friends amidst being stressed out. 

A big thank you to all my supporters this year. Thank you for partnering with me in reaching out on the Richland and UTDallas campuses. It's been a great year for FOCUS and more is yet to come!

Student Testimony

"I first became involved with FOCUS when I was just starting out at Collin College. I had been living in Nigeria for a few years, so I was walking into a college experience where I didn’t know anyone. I worried a lot about not being able to find any meaningful friendships while I was there. So it came as a surprise when some old friends of mine, LorĂ© and Gibby Yessuff, invited me to a 
Thursday Night Fellowship. From that first night of fellowship, I made more friends than I could have prayed for. People asked me to sit with them, scheduled time to hang out with me, got to know me, and challenged me as a disciple. It became clear to me that this was not only an example of authentic Christian community; this was the way Jesus called us to do friendships—intentional, genuine and loving.

Through the many friendships I’ve been blessed with in FOCUS, God has changed my fear and worry of not having any friends into a desire to grow and develop friendships at TWU. I am beyond thankful when I see what he is doing in the lives of students here and for the example of Christian friendship that I’m now able to extend to others."

Bekwele Wodi
Texas Woman’s University


  1. What a bittersweet moment! The end of the year (and of your apprenticeship) is already here. Those six Richland students who are attending SICM are a testimony of the blessing you've been at that campus. You have helped reached people for Jesus and call them to be his ministers on campus. Thanks for your service! Love you Eddie!

    1. Thank you so much Kelly for the sweet words. I have loved being able to lead alongside you, as well as the rest, getting to participate with such a great community of leaders!


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